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Northeastern Ohio Regional Trauma Network

NORTN Logo.gif


To collaboratively develop a regional trauma system and improve trauma care for the communities served, through data evaluation, research, injury prevention and education.

Open Book

NORTN Brochure


To be the vehicle which collects and analyzes pre-hospital and hospital demographic and clinical data for peer review purposes, injury prevention initiatives, community based education and research, submission of data to the State trauma registry and performance improvement initiatives.

The Northeastern Ohio Regional Trauma Network (NORTN) Committee works to facilitate regional trauma data validation for member hospitals and facilitate regional interpretation of the NTDS data element definitions within member hospitals.  The Regional Trauma Data Manager is the administrator for the Alliance's trauma data.  NORTN facilitates a Regional Performance Improvement Committee to identify opportunities for improvement through the process of monitoring trauma care in the region, and whose responsibilities cover a wide range of data analysis and benchmarks, scorecard/dashboard review to name several.

Members of the NORTN committee include Emergency Department Physicians, Supervisors, Trauma Medical Directors, Data Managers and Trauma Program Managers from each of the Alliance's NORTN hospitals.


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